Friday, June 5, 2009

Go Mobile

I have given some thought to the idea and possible benefits of hand held gadgets. I do believe it will become increasingly popular. Just the ease and compact size is benefical if traveling, or away from a stationary computer or laptop. Possibly, you maybe an employee who needs to be in touch with your office or place of business so in that case, mobility can be priceless. Just yesterday, I decided I wanted to have the freedom of home wireless access. No longer will I be confined to just one room. Those good old days will be gone forever on Friday.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Twitter or Facebook

In deciding which to sign up for, I had the advantage of speaking to a few people inquiring which one either Twitter or Facebook they liked and used. Well, I have decided to take the plunge and give Facebook a try.

Facebook Song

It is amazing that I actually viewed this short Youtube video four times. I found it creative, entertaining and very funny. With technology you can reach such a wide audience, and with this media, show your talents and skills. The goal therefore is to be interesting and you will be noticed by many.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Second Life

After viewing Central Florida Memory and other video assignments, I realize the importance and usefulness of this technology. It is appealing to the eye and if you are trying to promote a product or service, this is the way to attract an audience. On the other hand, since I have created my avatar, which again I was challenged by technology, proved to be fun. Now, do I want to spend money dressing an avatar my answer would be no.

Coming Back

That's right I am back again, and will try and bridge the wide gap between Learn 2.0 and 2.5. Let's see how this works.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Say Yes #10

On deciding whether to attempt this course, I came up with many excuses such as, I was unsure of understanding it, and of having the time to finish it. Did I want to create accounts, blog and put my thoughts out there, or did I want to try something new? I might add that these blogs of mine are getting lengthy as time rolls along. If I hadn't tried this, I wouldn't have discovered it's not difficult to create accounts, blog, find animal lovers, find music, upload pictures, and listen to audio books. I found downloading an audio book easy. The new information I have learned, has enabled me to feel knowledgeable enough to show and share with our library patrons. In working with computers, if something is easy to do and understand people are more inclined to do it. Also, I found out all this because I said yes to this course. Now, I am much more willing to try something new. I don't hesitate as much. Well, since completing this course, I am off to find new adventures and the possibilities like a river are endless.

In the Mix #9

The music sites LastFm, Upto11, and Liveplasma have some similar features and some one's that are unique. Features most common are creating accounts and profiles, ability to comment on artists, sharing with others and also, enjoying music. I liked the fact that with LastFm you could discover new artists, with Upto11 you could publish a playlist, and with Liveplasma you were able to explore music and movies. All of these capabilites is pretty amazing, online's broadening potential of socially connecting people with similar interests. Yet, there is concern not for this network of friends, but for diminishing relationships in our own homes. The people we face daily. When we use our computers, cell phones, Ipods or other technology, are we strengthening our relationships with people we come in contact with face to face, or are these people that we care about the most being ignored, the ones right in or own households. With the right balance and mix both can be done successfully having fun and learning in the process.